Roll is a lively and healthy dog, but has always had a dull coat, accompanied by dandruff and an unpleasant smell. Since he started eating Greenfish his coat is more beautiful and shinier and no longer has that strong smell. The dandruff has disappeared. I am very satisfied!
Yanko has always eaten kibble from well-known high-end commercial brands, but for several months he suffered from chronic relapsing otitis due mainly to malassezia. His ears were often dirty with brownish smelly secretions and, on the vet's advice, we tried cortisone-based treatments and ear drops for a long time without any appreciable results. Over time I noticed that the malassezia was also spreading to the groin area and my dog started scratching compulsively until he injured himself. On the advice of a friend who owns dogs, I tried changing the food and bought Marpet Green Fish Maxi Adult kibble. I spent a week switching from the old kibble to the new one and I could already see the first improvements. In less than 15 days on the diet, my Great Dane was no longer scratching, his ears were clean and the malassezia had disappeared. Thank you Marpet!
Pepe is a particularly delicate breed of dog and has suffered from digestive problems and regurgitation. With the use of Marpet they have thinned out and his digestion has improved. In addition, Pepe suffered from acid tearing and with Greenfish this has decreased compared to the past. Pepe now eats HP&P mono-protein horse food and is in great shape!
Lisa, Calispera, Rosi and Diva are my beloved dogs. I have always tried to feed them quality kibble. Before, I used a fish-based product but I wasn't satisfied because the dogs had soft and very smelly stools. Since they've been eating Mini Greenfish kibble, however, I've no longer had this problem, their stools are fine and my dogs are in excellent health.
Meghi has been suffering from chronic otitis for many years and despite using specific food for her problem and treatment with all types of products I have always struggled with this problem. At the suggestion of a friend, I tried Greenfish even though I was doubtful, and I must say that I saw a significant improvement in the following month. Meghi is not completely cured and will always remain a delicate dog but with the cleaning of her ears and the constant use of Greenfish the situation has improved a lot and so has her quality of life. For the sake of simplicity, I decided to give Greenfish also to Wolker, my English Setter. I was amazed at how Greenfish brought back his liver-white colour: his coat colour had tended to orange recently but with Greenfish it returned to its original colour!
My Mahaba is a very sweet but at the same time lively dog, very playful and a bit naughty. Ever since he was a puppy, I have chosen Greenfish as his food: Mahaba has eaten Greenfish Puppy without difficulty and with great appetite, and from that day on he is always lively and active. With Greenfish I am sure that I am providing my dog not only with a correct diet but also with all the elements he needs to keep him healthy.
Gentilissima was bought at the Mucrone breeding farm. Since she was a puppy, she has always eaten Greenfish. She started with Greenfish puppy in her first year of life and now continues with Greenfish Adult Medium. She is in a very good shape and she became Young World Champion in 2013 in Budapest and Absolute World Champion in 2015 in Milan.
Sky, as well as her son Bully (and all my Bearded ones), grew up eating exclusively Greenfish, first the Puppy and then Adult Medium. On the health status, I think Sky's age says it all! Sky became Young World Champion in Amsterdam in 2002 and Bully is a multiple Best in Show and Best in Show Veteran winner. Archie started eating Greenfish but due to character problems we changed to Marpet Equilibria (quail), the result was a much calmer and more manageable dog.