Veterinary advice, Cat

Today we are going to talk in particular about vomiting in cats and see some of the most frequent causes; first, however, it is useful to distinguish between regurgitation and vomiting: regurgitation is the expulsion of food from the mouth, pharynx or oesophagus and therefore concerns food that has not yet reached the stomach and has not undergone any digestive processes. This often occurs when the cat eats very/too fast, not being able to swallow the food correctly: you will notice this because you will find its lump of kibble or tin almost intact on the floor. Vomiting, on the other hand, consists of the expulsion of food which has reached the stomach and which has started to be attacked by the gastric juices. Often the pH of the regurgitated/vomited material is the essential indication to distinguish between the two.

One of the most common causes is the presence of hairballs, which are expelled when at some point they reach such a size that the food can no longer pass through. This problem can be solved quite easily by brushing your cat regularly to help it remove the old hair and by using a malt paste regularly, which will help to break down the hair deposits and eliminate them through the faeces.

These products are also fortified with vitamins and substances that help the intestine. Maltofos is one of these, and cats love it.

Another cause of vomiting can be the ingestion of toxic substances or medicines that are not suitable for felines, so it is essential that the veterinarian intervenes as soon as possible to avoid serious damage that could even lead to the cat's death. Usually, the ingestion of toxic substances can also manifest itself with other symptoms such as tremors, neurological deficits and intestinal symptoms that must be assessed by your vet.

Be careful, therefore, not to leave any substance "at risk"... within paw's reach!

Vomiting can also be caused by the accumulation of harmful substances in the body due to alterations in certain organs. In cats, the most frequent cause, especially when they have reached a certain age, is kidney failure. Usually, in cases such as these, the feline also shows listlessness in eating as well as a dejected appearance which, together with other signs, may lead the veterinarian to identify the problem during the medical examination and by discussing it with the owner.

Inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause vomiting, such as gastritis, enteritis, pancreatitis.

Other causes that, although less frequent, are still worthy of mention may also be diseases of the central nervous system.

The frequency with which these symptoms occur is certainly indicative of the degree of seriousness of the problem: we can say that if it is a matter of occasional episodes or linked to specific situations (e.g. hairballs) it is good to keep the situation monitored but without any particular alarmism but, if the vomiting is frequent and the cause is not clear, it is essential to contact your Veterinary Surgeon to better investigate the state of health of our inseparable four-legged friend.

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