Veterinary advice
The arrival of autumn and the resulting cold weather is certainly a time of great interest for anyone with a dog or cat, especially if the animal is elderly or suffers from joint problems.
Especially during the hottest months of the year, thermal changes and high temperatures can be really dangerous both for us humans and for our inseparable animal friends. What are the risks of so-called heatstroke? And what are the best ways to prevent its consequences? Let's find out together!
Nella Medicina Tradizionale Cinese (MTC) si contano 5 tecniche terapeutiche: agopuntura, dieta, fitoterapia, Tui Na e Qi Gong.
Ad esclusione dell’ultimo (disciplina che prevede movimenti e respiro controllati) le altre quattro sono considerate terapie anche in medicina veterinaria.
Sta prendendo piede la scelta di curarsi e curare i propri animali con un approccio naturale e non "chimico".
Ma siamo sicuri che questa scelta sia sempre la migliore? Facciamo un po' di chiarezza.
Già dai tempi degli antichi greci, e ancora prima nella medicina tradizionale cinese, il cibo era considerato come fonte primaria di salute e benessere. Nel corso degli anni, questa connessione è stata smarrita, per riemergere in questi ultimi anni.
For the lucky ones, June is already holiday time or, at any rate, the possibility of taking short trips increases. Sea, mountain, lake or city of art, the choice of destination is wide but are we really ready to enjoy these experiences together with our inseparable friends?
How many of you have had to convince and drag your dogs to the vet because they point their paws as soon as they see where you are going? And what about all kinds of strategies to get your cats into the carrier?