I prodotti monoproteici hanno preso parecchio spazio sugli scaffali dei nostri petshop preferiti. Ma cosa vuol dire alimento monoproteico?
Sta prendendo piede la scelta di curarsi e curare i propri animali con un approccio naturale e non "chimico".
Ma siamo sicuri che questa scelta sia sempre la migliore? Facciamo un po' di chiarezza.
Già dai tempi degli antichi greci, e ancora prima nella medicina tradizionale cinese, il cibo era considerato come fonte primaria di salute e benessere. Nel corso degli anni, questa connessione è stata smarrita, per riemergere in questi ultimi anni.
It is no longer so rare to hear from your vet "I'm sorry but your dog / cat has diabetes". So let's see briefly what it is and what we can do to reduce the risk of running into this pathology, which can be managed from a medical point of view but which inevitably leads to changes in the lives of the four-legged and the owners.
For the lucky ones, June is already holiday time or, at any rate, the possibility of taking short trips increases. Sea, mountain, lake or city of art, the choice of destination is wide but are we really ready to enjoy these experiences together with our inseparable friends?
How many of you have had to convince and drag your dogs to the vet because they point their paws as soon as they see where you are going? And what about all kinds of strategies to get your cats into the carrier?
The cat is now known to be a very sensitive and susceptible animal. Its territorial nature means that it carefully classifies the spaces at its disposal, dividing them into areas dedicated to activity (such as feeding, playing, hunting or eliminating) and isolation, where it can rest (usually in high areas where it has control of the environment around it).
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a subtle disease, not always easy to diagnose, because often when the symptoms are evident, they are already an indication of advanced disease. For this reason, annual screening is recommended for pets over 7-8 years of age.