Dog, Cat, News

I don't want to do a treatise on diabetes but it is necessary to give some information to understand the mechanism of the disease. First of all, it must be said that there are 3 types of diabetes, but the one we are talking about today and which is also the most widespread is Diabetes Mellitus, caused by a deficiency or altered function of insulin, a hormone that has the role of regulating blood sugar. blood sugar levels.

This type of diabetes sees a classification in Insulin Dependent which is more frequent in the dog and which sees an organic and functional alteration of the cells of the pancreas which leads to a reduction in insulin production. The causes of this type of diabetes are generally multifactorial and to be found in genetic causes, predispositions, inflammations and / or viral infections of the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin. Then there is the Non Insulin Dependent one which is more frequent in cats and is caused by the body's resistance to insulin, so the latter is unable to perform its function of reducing blood glucose and maintaining the right balance. .

The latter is the one I would like to reflect on because among the various types it is perhaps the one that sees the lifestyle of our pets as the main contributing causes. There are now many studies that identify obesity as a predisposing factor for the development of Diabetes Mellitus. This occurs because the excessive presence of fat activates a mechanism that leads to an inefficiency of the insulin to carry out its glycemic control job. It is therefore clear how important it is to be responsible for feeding our dogs and cats and to learn how to dose food and choose the one that best suits their lifestyle. Furthermore, let us not forget the need to carry out physical activity and therefore to avoid sedentary lifestyles which can therefore further predispose to obesity and related diseases.

Returning to Diabetes mellitus we now see the most common symptoms:

polyuria, that is, the increased frequency and quantity of urine produced

polydipsia, that is, an increase in thirst easily observed by the owner who notices that the water bowl empties immediately

polyphagia, that is, an increased appetite, which is not limited to a day but to a continuous request for food. Paradoxically, this symptom is often associated with weight loss.

These are certainly nonspecific symptoms, that is, they can also lead to other pathologies, but they must be an alarm bell for us humans to understand that something is wrong with our four-legged friends and that a visit to the vet is necessary to better understand what happens.

So let us remember to visit our veterinarian if we observe these symptoms, as a neglected Diabetes Mellitus can lead to major complications such as cataracts, that is, the opacification of the lens (in the eye) resulting in loss of vision up to complete blindness. In the most serious cases, neuropathies or metabolic syndromes (diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney complications) can occur, which can also endanger the life of your four-legged friend.

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